Shadowrun Wiki

The Aleph Society is a magical cult that has allied itself with a powerful free spirit (or possibly spirits) called Gaf.


The Aleph Society says they are an "organization dedicated to the spiritual enlightenment of all the inhabitants of all the nations" by "unlocking the magical potential of all". The fundamental belief of the organization is that "In the past all could use magic, and that everyone can do it again."

The Society claims to have predicted SURGE and other events surrounding the Halley's Comet, but there is no evidence to support those claims. 


According to the Aleph Society, Dr. Mickael Nickson founded the magic group in 2056 but there is no proof of its existence before 2060.

He created the group after finding a grimoire titled "The Book of Gaf", which would give burned-out magicians back a part of their full magical power when undamaged - or potentially even greater power than they had previously possessed. The ritual to accomplish this included locating the "Throne of the Soul" and creating a link with the "Black Moon" (Gaf), and involved blood magic and a spirit pact with Gaf, which shares his power with the ritualist. The use of Gaf's power is addictive, and those who use the pact are driven to use more power, and grow further addictive, over time.


The Society recruits burned-out mages by promising them access to the secret ritual to regain their magical power. Many members seem to have made some kind of sacrifice, and a large percentage of the group's members have criminal records and antisocial backgrounds.


The leader of the Aleph Society is Dr. Nickson, but José Grout acts as his mouthpiece.

The Aleph Society is made up of about 200 active members divided into five main groups. The organization operates under different names:

  • Society of Truth (Atlanta, CAS)
  • Munma Order (Los Angeles, Pueblo)
  • White Eagle Lodge (Cheyenne, Sioux Nation)
  • Coalition for Clear Minds (Denver)


The Aleph Society's magically active members receive the ability to use the "borrowed" magic of Gaf, though this is dangerous and addictive in the long run. Beyond its secret magical activities, it acts as a self-help club with occasional outdoor activities. They have organized a civil disobedience activity against Ares when this corporation spread the Strain-III Beta bacteria in Chicago.

