Shadowrun Wiki

Mishiwa Kai-Tang is a girl of at least fourteen years, hailing from Macao in the Canton Confederation.

She started hangin' around with the gangers of the «Chinese Deadly Dwarfs» Chapter in Macao at the age of nine or ten years, and had her personal awakening at the age of 12, when she was pursued by goons of the Portuguese Lusiada Corporation on the Pearl River: She met her totem Dolphin, which safed her from drowning and taught her the first magic spells. She became a shaman, learnt quickly to sling spells and conjure spirits of water and then was sent to Europe to the Bremen-based AGS-HQ of the gang, to aid them building up new chapters inside the Allied German States. From there she went to the Munich-based chapter of the gang, but she had a lot of arguing with the boss of the Munich «Dwarfs», who couldn't understand her views of magic and wouldn't accept a girl smarter than himself. An astral quest to "rescue" a ball from the Nuernberg zoological garden, which was used there for the dolphin show led to the loss of one of the mundane gangers of the chapter, while two of the others became injured during the operation. The gang leader of the Munich-based chapter grew very angry about that, also she stabilisized and healed her injured chummers with her and Dolphin's magic. So she left Munich soon, and went quickly to Hamburg, were she was perfectly well accepted by the local leader of the gang - Loo. There she has proven herself really worthy for her chummers and the gang, while diving deeper and deeper into the magical arts. With her chummers of the Hamburg-based chapter she moved at least from Hamburg to Denmark after they had lost a turf war against Harburg's most violent street gang, the «Holsten Zombies». After loosing their new home - an abandoned Castle in Denmark - during an corporate air strike, she and the others of her Chinese Deadly Dwarfs chapter were forced to move again. They went to Oslo, the capital of Norway where they were able to carve out a new turf for themselves.

Also her totem doesn't encourage the criminal ways of gang life she tries to find her way without mocking Dolphin (at least: not mocking it too much) as well as doing her best to help her gang chummers with their day-to-day business.

Favourite Quote: "Dances with Dolphin!" - especially used if posting shadowtalk into the shadowland matrix BBS.

Gaming Profile

Name: Mishiwa Kai-Tang
Name of birth: Mishiwa Kai-Tang
Country of origin: Macao, Canton Confederation, Chinese Splinter States
Metatype: Human
Age: 14 years and 9 month (in 2063)

B: Q: S: W: C: Ess.: Mag.: Rea.: Pr:
3 4 2 5 3 6 6 4 ?


Dice Pools:

Active Skills: Whichcraft(spell magic):4(6), Conjuring(invocation):3(5), Askenning:3, Athletics (swimming):4(6), Diving:4,
Brawling underwater(unarmed):1(3), Motor boats(small ones):1(3), Jetski(Bombardier Waverunner):2(4), Biotech(first aid):1(3),
Etiquette(Chinese gangs):3(5)

Knowledge Skills: Magical theory:3, Spell creation:4, Paranormal animals(Sea/Water):3(5), Gang Identification(Northern AGS):2(4),
Modern Piracy(Northern Sea):2(4), Nautical Skill:2, Small Boats:2, Macao:2, corporate politics(Lusiada):1(3)

Language Skills:German[R/W]:4[2] Chinese(Macao)[R/W]:2,5[1] Portuguese[R/W]:1[-]

Spells: Water bolt, Water wave aka Mini Tzunami, Change pressure (of Water), Create Water, Oxygene mask, Healing, Stabilisizing, Anti-Toxin

On Person Gear: Knife, large, air-filled ball (re-usable focus), normal clothing in the «Chinese Deadly Dwarfs» colors (merely green), „Mitsuhama Musix Man 2059TM“ chip-player, some plastic jewellery shaped in the form of little Dolphins

Stored Gear: Harpoon gun with 5 Bolts, neoprene diving suit with diving goggles, re-breather, two oxygene cylinders and a pair of turquoise plastic flippers, some bathing-suits, 10 different music-chips with whale songs, meditative music, Trance, Ambience, Canton Pop and traditional Chinese music including peking operas.

Personal Vehicle - Type: Bombardier Waverunner - jetski

Handling: Speed: Body: Armor: Sig: Pilot: Seating: Load: Preis:
2 15/45 1 0 3 0 1 0 1.200 ¥ (in Seattle)

External links
